No one, she claims, ever seemed to want to talk about it. "I battled that for years, and nobody ever knew it.""
For the full interview, copy and paste the link below:
A couple of interesting points related to Joan Baez' disclosure:
1.) Although you might think everyone can tell that you are anxious, it is often not the case.
2.) Your anxiety doesn't have to stop you from taking action.
It appears Joan Baez' struggles with anxiety occurred back in the '60's when Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for anxiety wasn't readily available.
Luckily now, whether you're suffering publicly or privately, you can seek the right anxiety treatment to move past your anxiety and panic attacks. There is no shame in anxiety disorders or panic attacks - even legendary singers can struggle with them.
The key is in making the choice to get help so you can learn strategies and techniques to resolve your anxiety symptoms.
Follow this link for more on anxiety disorder,panic attacks