
Driving fear and freeway phobia in Los Angeles are issues I treat so frequently at my center that I lost count.
But how do you know if you've got a real problem that requires help in the form of specialized anxiety treatment?
Here is a list of phobia symptoms related to driving fear:
1.) You avoid driving to certain areas or on certain roads or freeways.
2.) When driving you feel extremely anxious with physical symptoms that may include difficulty breathing, dizziness, shaking and trembling, rapid heartbeat, tingling in your hands, nausea and so on.
3.) When driving you fear something terrible may happen like losing control of yourself or the car.
4.) You have panic attacks while driving that include feeling as if you are going to die or go crazy.
5.) You make up excuses to avoid certain events or situations in which you would be forced to drive.
6.) You are anxious days or weeks before a planned circumstance where you know you'll be required to drive.
These are just a few of the commonly seen symptoms of a driving phobia. Do any of them sound familiar?
Unfortunately, fear of driving does not go away on its own. The longer you avoid driving, the longer you'll fear it. It can also grow more intense over time.
So, how long have you suffered with this fear? Have you sought the proper anxiety treatment?
Sometimes, it takes being "sick and tired" of fear before you are ready to seek specialized therapy and finally begin to face that which haunts you.
Are you sick and tired of your driving fear?
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