Group therapy for anxiety is a great success at The April Center for Anxiety for adults suffering with Phobias, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, OCD and more!
We've now added a new group called the . . .
"Anxiety Fighters Support Group":
- Held every Monday evening at 6:30pm in Los Angeles.
This group focuses on offering support while teaching you CBT anxiety
reduction strategies to break free from Phobias, Panic Attacks, Social
Anxiety, OCD and more.
*Price is only $30 per group.
The group member maximum is 8 people. We keep
this number low in order to offer focused anxiety help that addresses
all members.
Call us at 310-429-1024 NOW, if interested.
*Evaluation is required prior to joining to determine appropriateness of fit.
Break free from anxiety! You've suffered long enough!
Contact The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management today!
Three Office Locations: Los Angeles, San Diego and The South Bay
Our newly added San Diego office serves Mission Valley, La Mesa, SDSU college area, El Cajon and Hillcrest.
Our South Bay office serves Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes, Torrance and El Segundo.
The April Center Blog: Anxiety, OCD, Phobia and Panic Attack Management - Los Angeles and San Diego
Direct commentary, information and education on anxiety, OCD, phobias and panic attacks regarding you and the world in which we live.
About Me
Break Free From Anxiety Disorder and Get Your Life Back!
Call The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles: (310) 429-1024 or San Diego: (619) 961-1003. Or email Dr. April NOW.
Three locations serving Los Angeles, San Diego and The South Bay!
Three locations serving Los Angeles, San Diego and The South Bay!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Group Therapy for Anxiety - Support and Anxiety Therapy for Phobias, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and OCD
Posted by
Dr. Craig April - now seeing new patients for anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, etc. -
11:54 AM
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anxiety therapy support groups,
group therapy for anxiety,
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support groups for social anxiety disorder
Anxiety Support Group - New Group for Adults Suffering with SocialPhobia, Driving Phobia, Vomit Phobia and more!
New anxiety support group being offered at The April Center for Anxiety for adults suffering with social phobia, driving phobia, vomit phobia (emetophobia) and more!
"Anxiety Fighters Support Group":
This group will be held Monday nights at 6:30pm in Los Angeles.
This is a weekly group focused on providing support while teaching you CBT anxiety reduction strategies to relieve social phobia, fear of driving, fear of flying, fear of vomiting, OCD, panic attacks and more.
Cost is $30 per group. The group is limited to 8 members.
Call NOW, if interested.
*Evaluation is required prior to joining to determine appropriateness of fit.
Kick fear now!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Anxiety Attacks During Pregnancy
by Dr. Lindsay Kramer, psychotherapist and staff writer at The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
A lot of people associate pregnancy with a joyous experience in which new life is being brought into the world. There are terms such as “pregnancy glow” or “miracle of childbirth” that lead us as a society to presume pregnant women are happy, excited, and blissful. This is not always the case. Pregnancy can be very stressful, uncomfortable, and scary. And for first-time expectant mothers, the body experiences drastic changes that inevitably affect daily functioning. That is why it is important to be aware of all aspects of pregnancy.
A lot of people associate pregnancy with a joyous experience in which new life is being brought into the world. There are terms such as “pregnancy glow” or “miracle of childbirth” that lead us as a society to presume pregnant women are happy, excited, and blissful. This is not always the case. Pregnancy can be very stressful, uncomfortable, and scary. And for first-time expectant mothers, the body experiences drastic changes that inevitably affect daily functioning. That is why it is important to be aware of all aspects of pregnancy.
Though it is not often spoken or announced,
pregnancy can cause high levels of stress and anxiety. Anxiety attacks are actually very common amongst pregnant
women, even if they have not had prior attacks. It's been reported that as much as 10 percent of woman struggle
with panic attacks during pregnancy.
Let’s review what comprises a panic or
anxiety attack.
Panic attack symptoms can include:
Panic attack symptoms can include:
-racing heartbeat
-chest pain or feeling like you're having a heart attack
-trembling or shakiness
-shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing
- feeling like you're "going crazy, dying or losing control".
Panic attacks generally frequent no more than ten minutes, but can occur multiple times
throughout a day.
Women who have a history of anxiety or panic attacks are more likely to experience
them in pregnancy. Anxiety attacks when pregnant can be triggered by a multitude of different reasons. Some of the most common issues are listed below:
-Increased anxiety due to hormonal
changes that can initiate a panic attack.
-Anxiety due to fears of
the future (being an adequate parent, increased responsibility, financial
-History of anxiety prior to
pregnancy, becoming more frequent while pregnant.
-An anxiety attack may result from coping with
changes in your appearance and body.
is by no means a definitive list of the causes for anxiety attacks during
pregnancy. The causes depend on
the individual and can vary in severity and frequency of attacks. It is important, especially for
pregnant women, to seek out help to manage anxiety. So what can you do to best ensure
health for yourself and your baby?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been the most
successful treatment for anxiety and panic attacks.
This type of therapy involves facing fear gradually with strategies and techniques. It also involves training people to replace negative
thoughts with realistic thoughts, helping people gain more control over their patterns of
thinking, behaving, and feeling.
This type of therapy can also aid pregnant women in identifying the
triggers for their anxiety and can reduce the amount of anxiety attacks in the
future. Therapists at The April
Center specialize in the treatment and management of anxiety. Pregnancy can be a vital time to seek
out professional help and learn different techniques and tools to overcome
anxiety, so that you and your baby can lead a happy and healthy life.
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
Posted by
Dr. Craig April - now seeing new patients for anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, etc. -
1:48 PM
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anxiety attacks during pregnancy,
anxiety when pregnant,
cognitive-behavioral therapy,
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panic attacks during pregnancy,
treatment of anxiety
Friday, July 24, 2015
Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in Teenagers
by Dr. Lindsay Kramer, psychotherapist and staff writer at The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
To begin, if you are a teenager reading this, I commend you. That means that you have enough initiative and curiosity to google terms such as “social anxiety” or “social phobia.” It also probably means that you are anxious and preoccupied with how you appear in social situations or what others think of you. I am hypothesizing that, to some degree, you are struggling to understand who you are, and it can be exhausting when others around you are experiencing the exact same thing. Sure, the easiest solution would be to “fit in” or at the very least, to not stand out. But this often leads us to a very lonely and very scary place.
Now, if you are a former teenager and have graduated from adolescence, I want you to think back to those years…what was it like? What sort of feelings came up for you? How did you survive the world of hormonal imbalances, first loves, “frenemies,” acne, controlling parents, and gossip? How did you balance a social life with academics and preparing for what comes after high school? I am guessing it was not easy, and at some point, the world felt uncertain and shaky. Adolescence is a very difficult period and one that must be approached with empathy and awareness. Social anxiety disorders are very common in teenagers and can be easily overlooked or misinterpreted as just being a “teenager.”
So what can one look for when figuring out if you or your teenager struggles with social anxiety?
Here is an extensive and detailed list of symptoms of social anxiety disorder for teenagers:
-Consistent or ongoing fear of situations and interactions involving new people.
-Heightened anxiety in peer interactions and settings.
-Frequent fear of social or performance situations, in which the teenager worries about acting in embarrassing or unacceptable ways.
-Panic attacks or anxiety attacks when thinking about or engaging in social interactions. These attacks include intense anxiety and are often accompanied with heart palpitations, chest pain, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, nausea, trembling, numbness, sweating, and dizziness.
-Avoidance of social situations, such that the teenager isolates, makes excuses, or refuses to engage in social encounters.
-Heightened distress in routine social situations, such as participating in class, starting or maintaining a conversation, or going to a party.
-Hesitance to participate in normal outings or activities, such that the teenager no longer wants to be involved in extracurricular activities, sports, or clubs due to social anxiety.
-Difficulty transitioning from home to school, in that the teenager resists going to school, becomes truant, or has a high number of unexcused absences.
-Difficulty paying attention or concentrating during class, due to a persistent worry of having to participate in discussions or of saying the “wrong thing” and being embarrassed.
It can be challenging to distinguish normal teenage angst from social anxiety disorder. In fact, a lot of teenagers struggling with social anxiety fail to receive proper treatment due to their symptoms being dismissed or attributed to adolescence. Cognitive behavioral therapy with a trained mental health professional can help the teenager learn new skills to reduce anxiety and distress in social situations. The mental health clinicians at The April Center for Anxiety Attack Management have been helping teenagers overcome social anxiety symptoms for many years. I strongly encourage you to reach out, make contact, and begin to take steps toward a happy and healthy life.
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
To begin, if you are a teenager reading this, I commend you. That means that you have enough initiative and curiosity to google terms such as “social anxiety” or “social phobia.” It also probably means that you are anxious and preoccupied with how you appear in social situations or what others think of you. I am hypothesizing that, to some degree, you are struggling to understand who you are, and it can be exhausting when others around you are experiencing the exact same thing. Sure, the easiest solution would be to “fit in” or at the very least, to not stand out. But this often leads us to a very lonely and very scary place.
Now, if you are a former teenager and have graduated from adolescence, I want you to think back to those years…what was it like? What sort of feelings came up for you? How did you survive the world of hormonal imbalances, first loves, “frenemies,” acne, controlling parents, and gossip? How did you balance a social life with academics and preparing for what comes after high school? I am guessing it was not easy, and at some point, the world felt uncertain and shaky. Adolescence is a very difficult period and one that must be approached with empathy and awareness. Social anxiety disorders are very common in teenagers and can be easily overlooked or misinterpreted as just being a “teenager.”
So what can one look for when figuring out if you or your teenager struggles with social anxiety?
Here is an extensive and detailed list of symptoms of social anxiety disorder for teenagers:
-Consistent or ongoing fear of situations and interactions involving new people.
-Heightened anxiety in peer interactions and settings.
-Frequent fear of social or performance situations, in which the teenager worries about acting in embarrassing or unacceptable ways.
-Panic attacks or anxiety attacks when thinking about or engaging in social interactions. These attacks include intense anxiety and are often accompanied with heart palpitations, chest pain, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, nausea, trembling, numbness, sweating, and dizziness.
-Avoidance of social situations, such that the teenager isolates, makes excuses, or refuses to engage in social encounters.
-Heightened distress in routine social situations, such as participating in class, starting or maintaining a conversation, or going to a party.
-Hesitance to participate in normal outings or activities, such that the teenager no longer wants to be involved in extracurricular activities, sports, or clubs due to social anxiety.
-Difficulty transitioning from home to school, in that the teenager resists going to school, becomes truant, or has a high number of unexcused absences.
-Difficulty paying attention or concentrating during class, due to a persistent worry of having to participate in discussions or of saying the “wrong thing” and being embarrassed.
It can be challenging to distinguish normal teenage angst from social anxiety disorder. In fact, a lot of teenagers struggling with social anxiety fail to receive proper treatment due to their symptoms being dismissed or attributed to adolescence. Cognitive behavioral therapy with a trained mental health professional can help the teenager learn new skills to reduce anxiety and distress in social situations. The mental health clinicians at The April Center for Anxiety Attack Management have been helping teenagers overcome social anxiety symptoms for many years. I strongly encourage you to reach out, make contact, and begin to take steps toward a happy and healthy life.
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
Posted by
Dr. Craig April - now seeing new patients for anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, etc. -
12:29 PM
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cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety,
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social anxiety,
social anxiety disorder,
social anxiety symptoms in teenagers,
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teenager anxiety
Friday, July 10, 2015
Fear of Throwing Up
by Dr. Lindsay Kramer, psychotherapist and staff writer at The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
Emetophobia is a word that most of us are unlikely to have encountered. Precisely defined, it is the fear of throwing up. Expanded, this can include a fear of vomiting in public, a fear of seeing vomit, a fear of witnessing another person vomit, or a fear of being nauseated. Although Emetophobia is not as recognized as, say Agoraphobia or Claustrophobia, it has been stated by the International Emetophobia Society to be the fifth most common phobia. In fact, one article states that a search of the phrase “fear of being sick” discovered nearly 29 million websites. So let’s talk in detail of how this fear of throwing up develops, the effects it can have on a person, and how it can be treated.
Emetophobia is a word that most of us are unlikely to have encountered. Precisely defined, it is the fear of throwing up. Expanded, this can include a fear of vomiting in public, a fear of seeing vomit, a fear of witnessing another person vomit, or a fear of being nauseated. Although Emetophobia is not as recognized as, say Agoraphobia or Claustrophobia, it has been stated by the International Emetophobia Society to be the fifth most common phobia. In fact, one article states that a search of the phrase “fear of being sick” discovered nearly 29 million websites. So let’s talk in detail of how this fear of throwing up develops, the effects it can have on a person, and how it can be treated.
Emetophobia affects predominantly females,
although it can also be present in males.
It is found more acutely in adolescent populations; however, recent
research has indicated an increase among adult populations as well. Like most phobias, the fear of vomiting
is most likely linked with a traumatic experience (in this case, one of
throwing up). It has also been
connected to a person having witnessed a family member or a friend being sick
or hospitalized.
A person suffering from Emetophobia can
experience severe limitations in his or her daily life. Similar to Panic disorder, there is a
repetitive cycle that occurs in Emetophobics. First, there is some sort of anxiety trigger related to
vomiting. This could be a friend
getting the flu, watching someone vomit on TV or a feeling of being full after
a meal. This trigger brings up
thoughts of vomiting, and the person begins to “check” his or her body for
signs of nausea, stomachache, etc.
Then the phobia phase takes over and the person engages in behaviors to
rid him or herself of the anxiety.
For instance, they might leave work early or avoid eating to prevent any
chance of throwing up. This cycle
(fear, anticipation, looking for signs of trouble, and chronic avoidance) tends
to characterize the life of an Emetophobic.
Now, since chronic avoidance is a key element
in the phobia of throwing up, Emetophobics can become severely disabled in
their lives. It is not uncommon
for someone suffering from this phobia to avoid restaurants, hospitals, public
places, and contact with anyone they might believe to be ill. Female Emetophobics have also been known
to avoid getting pregnant for fear of morning sickness. These efforts to protect against
vomiting can imprison a person inside their own fears.
Emetophobia can be successfully treated with
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This
type of therapy involves gradual exposure to the fear, which in this case,
would be vomiting. This is not to
say that an anxiety doctor would require the person in treatment to vomit;
rather, it is intended that the person practice with situations, objects, and
activities that they fear would lead them to throw up. In other words, anxiety treatment would
focus on gradual exposure to that which the person has been avoiding. Anxiety doctors work to reduce the fears associated with vomiting, and re-engage the person in activities that are
important to them.
I hope that this blog provides a clear
understanding of Emetophobia. It
can have devastating effects on a person’s life, but proper treatment and a trained
anxiety doctor can ensure that one leads a healthy and normal life.
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Panic Attack, OCD and Phobia Treatment: The April Center For Anxiety adds Another Location in San Diego!
by Dr. Craig April, Director of The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles is now also San Diego!
In addition to the Los Angeles offices, we have just opened another office in beautiful San Diego in the Mission Valley area. This area is centrally located, making it easy for all anxiety sufferers to visit the center for their scheduled appointments.
Led by Dr. Craig April, one of the leading anxiety doctors in the country (as seen on A & E's TV show OBSESSED), all staff at The April Center is comprised of anxiety experts and specialists.
And just like our other office locations, we treat all aspects of anxiety, including panic attacks, OCD, social anxiety, phobias, fear of driving, fear of vomiting, Agoraphobia, and more.
This newly added location address is:
2525 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 205
San Diego, CA 92108
*Serving Mission Valley, La Mesa, SDSU college area, El Cajon, and Hillcrest.
For comprehensive anxiety help and treatment that fits most budgets, call The April Center's added location NOW!
(619) 961-1003
All the best,
Director of The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles and San Diego
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for my anxiety newsletter on my website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles is now also San Diego!
In addition to the Los Angeles offices, we have just opened another office in beautiful San Diego in the Mission Valley area. This area is centrally located, making it easy for all anxiety sufferers to visit the center for their scheduled appointments.
Led by Dr. Craig April, one of the leading anxiety doctors in the country (as seen on A & E's TV show OBSESSED), all staff at The April Center is comprised of anxiety experts and specialists.
And just like our other office locations, we treat all aspects of anxiety, including panic attacks, OCD, social anxiety, phobias, fear of driving, fear of vomiting, Agoraphobia, and more.
This newly added location address is:
2525 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 205
San Diego, CA 92108
*Serving Mission Valley, La Mesa, SDSU college area, El Cajon, and Hillcrest.
For comprehensive anxiety help and treatment that fits most budgets, call The April Center's added location NOW!
(619) 961-1003
All the best,
Director of The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles and San Diego
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for my anxiety newsletter on my website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
Posted by
Dr. Craig April - now seeing new patients for anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, etc. -
8:34 AM
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anxiety doctors San Diego,
Anxiety help in San Diego,
anxiety treatment in San Diego,
OCD help San Diego,
OCD treatment San Diego,
panic attacks help San Diego,
Panic Attacks treatment San Diego,
San Diego
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Fear of Freeway Driving: A Common Phobia
by Dr. Lindsay Kramer, psychotherapist and staff writer at The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
Do you or someone you
know have a fear of driving on freeways?
This is not uncommon. We
turn on the morning news, and we inevitably hear about traffic accidents on
freeways. If you are a resident in
Los Angeles or San Diego, California, freeway driving is equivalent to owning a
cell phone—necessary and efficient.
After all, Los Angeles and San Diego are not known for their public
transportation system. So let’s
talk about freeway anxiety and how to master the strength to get behind the
A fear of freeway driving can derive from many
different situations. I have
worked with numerous patients that developed a phobia of driving on the freeway
after being in car accidents. This
is particularly true when the accident was not their fault. Fear can develop when we feel a loss of
control over ourselves in a situation.
And being rear-ended or side-swiped out of nowhere can induce extreme
anxiety—especially when later attempting to drive that same freeway where the
accident occurred.
I have also worked with patients whom have
never driven on a freeway and the phobia simply exists due to uncertainty. For these individuals, the terror that
arises when even thinking of driving
on the freeway is debilitating and can result in avoidance to minimize anxious
feelings. Some are able to drive
on local streets; however, many cannot bring themselves to enter the freeway on-ramp
due to the higher rates of speed, plus fear of panic if unable to exit the
freeway should they become too anxious.
Now, obviously, there are ways to travel
without having to drive. However,
it is generally agreed that the most effective and practical means of
transportation is driving (especially in LA and San Diego). It cuts back on travel time, and it
keeps us from relying on those unpredictable bus routes and schedules. We can load our car with a week’s worth
of groceries rather than being limited to what we can carry in our recyclable
bags. We can be independent and
maintain freedom of choice with regard to our destination at all times. Overall, driving just makes life easier,
more pleasant and enjoyable.
Now how do we overcome a phobia of driving on
the freeway? Or even just driving
anxiety in general? First and
foremost, it is essential to understand the nature of the phobia. What happens
when I think about getting behind the wheel and driving on the freeway or
highway? What are the distorted
thoughts that elicit panic?
The next step is seeking out treatment. The only proven method for treating
freeway phobia is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Using specific tools and methods, a trained anxiety
specialist can work with you to gradually desensitize your fear of freeway
driving. In addition, the anxiety doctor will systematically expose you to the feared situation, while working
with you to manage the anxiety.
With driving anxiety treatment, success stories
are consistent when it comes to helping people overcome freeway phobias. It can be so limiting to live in a big
city and not experience the wealth of it due to driving anxiety. I challenge you to take the step to
enrich your life and call The April Center. Let’s help you get your life back!
All the best,
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
from The April Center For Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles
P. S. Don't forget to sign up for our anxiety newsletter on our website's home page where you'll receive free anxiety tips!
Posted by
Dr. Craig April - now seeing new patients for anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, etc. -
3:27 PM
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fear of freeway driving,
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The April Center for Anxiety Attack Management - Los Angeles and The South Bay
The April Center for Anxiety Attack Management is committed to helping you remove the destructive barriers of anxiety, so that you may lead a calmer, healthier, happier life.
Take a look at our website at or give us a call: (310) 429-1024
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